Saturday, May 16, 2020

Relationship Between Marketing And Consumer Behavior

As we have learned, Consumer s Behavior deals with the P-word and C-word; profit and potential competition of a company. Marketing deals with the advertisement and the promotion of a product by combining the two it allows you to understand how a customer act and respond to a product. Marketing strategies are different depending on what type of product you are selling and what target audience you are trying to reach. There are four main influencers that you should study to determine how and what your audiences will act and respond to so your product can gain long term brand loyalty, product purchasing, or even maintaining successful relationship. Overall relationship marketing is the study of how to advertise properly so the consumers can act and respond to your product so your company can grow. Relationship Marketing and Consumer Behavior When creating a marketing strategy you must study the consumer and their psychological behavior of the buying to come up with ways to promote and sell so you can avoid sending conflicting messages or over saturating marketing. Like have you ever wondered why many fast food companies use bright colors such red and yellow? It’s because red is a triggers stimulations in your appetite, hunger, attract attention and yellow sends messages of friendliness and happiness. Those two together give you the perception of a fast and happy meal! Mcdonald s, KFC, and Burger King have used these colors for years and they are unknowing building aShow MoreRelatedMarketing Research Topics1249 Words   |  5 PagesImportant Topics for Projects in Marketing Selection of research topic is the basic and important part of research report, thesis or dissertation. It requires a lot of energy, resources and time to choose an appropriate topic for the research. 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